Tin tức How to choose high quality cashew nut

How to choose high quality cashew nut

How to choose high quality cashew nut


How to choose high quality cashew nut

Roasted salted cashews, which are known to be a food with a unique delicious taste, are also nutritious with good and necessary substances for the body. Join VIHAT to learn tips on choosing to buy quality salted roasted cashews

1. Cashew classification

Cashew nuts are classified according to international standards based on 3 main criteria:

Bead shape: Whole or broken
Size: Big or small
Color: White or yellow

According to people's experience, the simplest and most common way to classify cashews is based on the shape of the nut. Delicious cashews are medium-sized, round, firm and even cashews, free from insects, fungus, black spots or any pigmentation.

Silk-shell cashews, if roasted, the shell must still cling to the seeds, when lightly flicked, the shell will peel off easily.

If you want to be sure, you should taste cashews: good cashews are cashews that are crunchy, fragrant, not rancid. Bad cashews are cashews with an oily smell, not crunchy, weak and moist

2. Choose roasted salted cashew nuts with silk or shaved skin better?

Currently, there are two popular types of cashews that are roasted with salt, a type with a silk shell and without a silk shell. However, we recommend choosing the one with the skin on as it will taste better than the shelled seeds.

The silk shell of cashews often has a bitter, unpleasant taste. However, they have an extremely important use to help cashews retain their natural sweet flavor. Let's find out why you should choose shelled cashews.

Roasted salted cashews with silk skin intact retain their delicious taste

The silk shell of the cashew nut is responsible for protecting the kernel inside. It helps the cashew kernel not to stick to the plastic during the peeling phase (the cashew kernel with the plastic will be bitter and inedible).

At the stage of processing with salt water to wash away this silk shell, the cashew kernel does not have to be in direct contact with salt water, avoiding the case that the cashew kernels are soaked in water and will be soft and very bad.

When roasted with salt, the silk layer is the main factor that helps the kernel not to stick to too much salt and not scorch and bad color. This shell is also an important agent to help the cashew kernel retain its bright color for a long time.

Thanks to this shell, the inner part retains the most delicious taste as well as the most eye-catching color.

Roasted cashews with salt and silk skin are safer and cleaner

In addition, roasted salted cashews and silk shells will give users a feeling of safety and cleanliness. The shell acts as a shield to help protect the inner core from any harm. When eating cashews, just peel off that shell and you will feel absolutely safe and clean.

Suitable for people on a salt diet

As mentioned, the outer shell will be a protective film to prevent too much salt from seeping into the kernel. So just peeled away the cashew nuts still retain the sweet, fleshy, fatty but not very salty taste. Therefore, for people with diabetes or high blood pressure who need to abstain from salt, they can safely use it.

Salt-roasted cashews with crispy skin intact and delicious for longer

With a silk shell covering the cashew kernel, it does not have to be in direct contact with the air and moisture so that it not only has a more beautiful color but also is crispy and delicious for longer after being peeled and used.

3. How to preserve salted roasted cashews for a long time?

To preserve cashews for a longer time, you need to note the following:

Roasted cashews with salt after buying, if not eaten, we should put them in a box with a tight lid, or zip bag, sealed plastic bag. Most of today's salted roasted cashews are in plastic jars with lids, screws and oxygen bags, so it's very convenient.
Store cashews in a cool place, away from hot places and insects such as ants, cockroaches, mice. Cashews can be stored in the refrigerator (after being covered, screw closed).
If you want to bring cashews abroad, or go far away, you can buy vacuum-sealed cashews or you can use a cashew vacuum service to increase the crunchiness of cashews.
In case the cashews when used are soft, we can proceed to roast them with a pan, then they will be more delicious and crispy.

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